Dr. Ronnie Floyd, in his book
Our Last Great Hope: Awakening the Great Commission, has really made an impact on my heart. As pastor of a church, he is man who has nearly always been immersed in the Word. Yet, he is a real person who struggles with life just like the rest of us. He shows a whole new perspective to readers about the Great Commission, that command by Jesus to make disciples of all nations. The book gave me plenty of opportunities to look hard at myself, at my heart and my attitudes, and showed me ways I can help people be saved. Floyd challenges us to make sweeping changes, in our lives, our families, our society, and how to engage the next generation. It is an alarm that needs to be sounded.
This is not a book to read in a day or two. There is just so much to think about that is better digested slowly. It's a book to be read several times, one the reader can refer back to again and again. Floyd has inspired me in several ways with his book
Our Last Great Hope. I do feel the sense of urgency to gather as many as we can, so that none are lost. Yet the need and desire to be genuine is so important, that the urgency needs to be tempered so as not to scare people off. I feel a sense of responsibility and I wonder if I'll ever feel like I did enough. I'm so glad I read this book and now I want to tell you why.

You know how sometimes you'll get a little idea, kind of nudging you to do something, to take a leap that is something you're more likely to push away and choose not to do? That's God, telling you to stretch beyond your comfort zone, and do something for Him. As soon as I finished the book, I could hear a calling. I guess I was really in tune with God, because I didn't feel a little nudge; rather I felt a good hard shove. I was clearly being directed to begin something for Him. The next day, I walked up to my pastor before church began and told him God was telling me to organize Christmas caroling in the neighborhoods around our church. My pastor told me to send him my plan in an email, then approved my plan. The following Sunday, my pastor began his new advent sermon series, called
Christmas Carol Theology (yeah, I got goosebumps, too.) God has a grand plan, and we're all a part of it, we just need to be open to His calling. If you are Christian, I highly recommend you read this book. If you are not Christian, I pray that you will find the deep joy and peace I have found (and I recommend you read this book too, as well as the gospel of Mark).
Disclosure: I received this book at no charge in exchange for my honest review.