I absolutely love the colors in a fall garden! Yellow, orange and red mums remind me that cooler days are coming, even down here in Texas. Fall gardening is the perfect opportunity to plant bulbs for the spring and to add trees and shrubs.
I found a great project on Pinterest for fall garden decor (click here) and it looks so simple! Directions: Just clean out a pumpkin, fill it with Miracle-Gro Potting Mix, and add orange mums and a brown bow. If you'd like it to last longer, you could use a plastic jack-o-lantern container. I love easy projects because I just don't have lots of time for huge planting projects. Find beauty in the Fall by using Miracle-Gro in all kinds of containers!
If I can get my husband and teenage boys to plant some trees this fall, we're going to do it right this time and use Miracle-Gro Garden Soil for Trees and Shrubs, plus Miracle-Gro Tree and Shrub Fertilizer Spikes. Our last tree planting didn't go so well and the poor sapling died without the right soil and nutrients. The Miracle-Gro Facebook page is a great place to share stories with fellow gardeners, so maybe I can get some tips on motivating family members to garden with me. If you prefer inground gardening, Miracle-Gro offers a huge line of products including Miracle-Gro LiquiFeed that makes feeding plants as easy as watering and Miracle-Gro Garden soil that feeds up to three months with Continuous Release Plant Food. There are so many wonderful ways to beautify your landscape in the fall. What will you plant this year?