- Almondina Little Cookies - Ends May 11
- CollageIt Pro - 20 Winners - Ends May 11
- $50 Gift Code to Novica Gifts - Ends May 11
- Totino's Party Pizza Prize Pack - Ends May 12
- HGTV #lovehome Prize Pack - Ends May 15
- $50 iTunes Gift Card - Ends May 15
- CafePress Spring Owl Pillow - Ends May 19
- $20 Gift Code to RitzPix Photo Gifts - Ends May 19
- Hide-N-Go Fish Preschool Toy - Ends May 19
- $15 Gift Card to Little Caesars Pizza - Ends May 19
- $50 Gift Code to Polaroid Fotobar - Ends May 26
Current Giveaways
My Top Ten Mom Accomplishments
Now that my children have all reached the age of 18 years, it makes me giggle to think that now I can write more about their childhoods without totally embarrassing them to their friends (as much). I thought it might be fun today to reminisce about the past and list my top ten mom accomplishments.
- Birthing both my children naturally. I did it without drugs because I didn't want my children's first moments on earth to be drugged. I did it in hopes that it would benefit their future in some way.
- Breastfeeding both my children. The biggest reason was for their health. I wanted to make sure they got the best start in life.
- Getting a college degree, while parenting two young children as a single (divorced) mom who got out a marriage that just wasn't healthy.
- Buying our first house, all on my own, so my children could have their own rooms and a place to call home.
- Running my own childcare business successfully and being able to help and train others to do the same. (And being able to retire from childcare when the youngest reached 18).
- Marrying the perfect role model for my children to call Dad, and gaining a wonderful bonus son in the marriage.
- Being able to work from home so that I was always here when my children got home from school.
- Surviving my children's teenage years.
- Not killing my children during their teenage years.
- And my top accomplishment as a mom, is knowing that all three of our kids made it to age 18 in spite of my parenting.
Shop Smarter, Live Better
When you shop smarter, you live better.
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ShopPerk makes smart shopping easy. Every day. For everyone.
Get great deals on the things you need most. Compare stores in your area to find the best selection and the biggest savings. Find recipes and ideas that leave you more time, more money and more energy to spend on what you truly love.
Here's how it works:
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Win at shopping: The more you use ShopPerk, the smarter it gets, making each trip to the store easier and more rewarding.
Living in my own Little World
It's been part of my blog since the beginning - "Living in my own little world." Initially, I thought it was a cute slogan given the fact that I rarely left my house due to my work, given the fact that I was running a home daycare for little people, and given the fact that I knew my focus should be here on my family. Today, it means something different to me. Today I realized the deeper meaning in it that God wanted me to find.
In the past couple of weeks, I've been dealing with feelings of jealousy and inadequacy. It's been rather surprising to me because I haven't had to cope with those emotions in a long, long time. I've mentioned it several times to my husband the past few days because I recognized the jealousy and I hate dealing with that monster. I've prayed over it, asking God to help me be thankful for MY gifts, but jealousy kept trying to seep into my heart. In the past, I've used it to motivate me to work harder, work smarter, and work longer. Now I know that's not what I should be doing.
As I was reading email this morning, I found this post - For When You Feel Jealous - and I felt God calling me to read it. I even smiled when I saw the subject line because sometimes I think I'm so oblivious to His messages that He has to smack me in the face with them. As I read the post I felt God speaking to me, telling me to focus on "living in my own little world" in a more meaningful way. In her article, Tsh talked about liking her own abundant "slice" and also linked to another post - What a hundred lifeguards taught me about my calling - and I felt that heavenly nudge to go read it as well.
Emily's message dove deep into my heart - "The fact that you can’t cover the whole pool at once doesn’t mean you are a failure, it just means you have the wrong goal." It actually brought tears to my eyes because it made me realize I'd lost sight of my initial goal - Living in my own Little World (and making it better for those who share it with me...and that includes everyone who reads my ramblings...aka YOU). Now, I feel refreshed by God. He's given me a way to cope with these feelings I don't like to feel rising up in my heart.
Project HOPE Mother's Day Gift Catalog
Disclosure: I will receive a tshirt at no charge in exchange for this post.
I'm so excited to share this opportunity of blessing your mother and someone else's mother this year! Founded in 1958, Project HOPE, a global health education and humanitarian organization, invites you to celebrate Mother’s Day by giving the most powerful gift of all, HOPE. with a donation as a little as $10, they can choose a gift to donate in honor of their Mom. In Project HOPE’s urgent help Gift Catalogue, they’ll see exactly how their donation will bring urgent help and lasting hope for a mother or child in need:
$25 - provides 10 women with anemia screenings
$35 - sends important text messages to women with gestational diabetes
$50 -provides a cervical cancer screening
$100- provides vaccines for 4 Children
By sending your mother a beautiful, personalized Project HOPE Mother’s Day eCard, she’ll receive more than a token of your love. She’ll receive confirmation that the support you have pledged in her name this Mothers’ Day is helping Project HOPE meet the lifesaving medical care that mothers around the world rely on. Visit Project HOPE’s Mother’s Day Gift Catalog today and make your mother a part of the 1 in a 1000 Mother’s Day Campaign.
Throwback Thursday Link Up
Welcome to Throwback Thursday Link Up!
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Join Us Each Weekly as We Add a New Stroll Down Memory Lane to
Our Weekly Throwback Thursday Link Up.
Our Weekly Throwback Thursday Link Up.
Each week we will have a quick post about a "walk down memory lane" or "what if" type of post for Throwback Thursday.
Lisa and Bonnie would love it if you would:
Please link back to our blogs or posts. You will find the buttons below.
The "Throwback Thursday Link Up" will benefit those who participate!
Each post should be along the lines of a fond memory our what ever happened...? or even do you remember...? Please do not link to a site other than your own.
Please make sure you use your own photos in your posts, OR make sure to give credit to your photo source.
Also please take the time to visit at least three of the blogs when you add your link, and share upon your visit.
Please do not link to the same post more than once.
All posts must be family friendly!
As an added feature you may add ONE text link (word; not some obvious shout out) to an affiliate link for a product discussed/mentioned in your post. Example: I remember having a favorite pillow that made the rounds to each and every sleepover throughout my youth. Make sure you make you note in your post about the affiliate link for the FCC!
Let's enjoy a stroll down memory lane; maybe a family vacation or a wonderful food from your childhood. Truly the options are endless!
My Throwback Thursday this week is two pictures of my son Ryan. The one on your left is his Preschool Graduation photo and the one on your right is his High School Graduation photo. He graduates in less than a month and will be attending Texas State University, in the honors program, with a scholarship. I am one proud mom!
My Throwback Thursday this week is two pictures of my son Ryan. The one on your left is his Preschool Graduation photo and the one on your right is his High School Graduation photo. He graduates in less than a month and will be attending Texas State University, in the honors program, with a scholarship. I am one proud mom!
Do You Want to Stop Smoking?
People that want to quit smoking may run into obstacles along the way. They might not be able to withstand the pressure that it involves to quit cold turkey. It can be very difficult for many people to do, especially if they are under a lot of stress at the time they are trying to quit. Since many people live very busy lives, they may need a bit of help when they are trying to quit smoking.
The smokeless cigarettes from LeCig.com are very instrumental in assisting many people as they try to quit smoking. These cigarettes don’t give off any harmful particles, and they can smoke them in public places without receiving a fine. Since many people find this to be acceptable as they cut down, it really gives them a lot of help when they are trying to quit their habit of smoking. For people that are worried about their loved ones and their smoking habits, they might want to consider getting them the smokeless cigarettes at LeCig.com to help them in the battle to quit. Many people have undergone dramatic changes in their smoking patterns when they use these types of cigarettes to help them cut down. The smokeless cigarettes at LeCig.com can work wonders for many people. They will see how much it can help them when they give them a try.
The smokeless cigarettes from LeCig.com are very instrumental in assisting many people as they try to quit smoking. These cigarettes don’t give off any harmful particles, and they can smoke them in public places without receiving a fine. Since many people find this to be acceptable as they cut down, it really gives them a lot of help when they are trying to quit their habit of smoking. For people that are worried about their loved ones and their smoking habits, they might want to consider getting them the smokeless cigarettes at LeCig.com to help them in the battle to quit. Many people have undergone dramatic changes in their smoking patterns when they use these types of cigarettes to help them cut down. The smokeless cigarettes at LeCig.com can work wonders for many people. They will see how much it can help them when they give them a try.
Win Against the Army of Ants
As fascinating as ants can be, they are a homeowner's nightmare. Nothing is more frustrating that treating an ant pile outside on your lawn, only to find it just a few feet away the next day. Every time we get a good rain here, those pesky ant hills pop up everywhere. When the backyard is the play area for children, it has to be free of ants and other bugs to ensure their safety. Right after learning to ride a two-wheel bike, one of my sons crashed and fell face first into an ant pile, getting bit all over his face. That is a memory none of us like! If they get in your house and into your pantry, you're in for a good fight. There just is no way you can seal up every crack in your home to make sure nothing unwanted gets inside. Luckily Moxie Pest Control can help eliminate ants as well as mice, bedbugs, and spiders. All the pesticides they use are proven safe to use and industry-approved with no damaging effects to people, residences or furniture. Let them help you win the war on ants!
Ants Graphic by Moxie Pest Control
Ants Graphic by Moxie Pest Control
#HGTV #LoveHome Exclusive Interview Video
Here is a special sneak peek behind the scenes at HGTV with the Property Brothers, Sabrina Soto, Vern Yip, David Bromstad and more, sharing why they love home and what home means to them. After you watch it, go HERE to enter my HGTV #LoveHome Prize Package.
#Disney #Pixar MONSTERS UNIVERSITY Free Activity Sheet Downloads
MONSTERS UNIVERSITY releases in theaters
on June 21st but here are some FREE
activity sheets you can download while you wait!
to download the Monsters University Student ID Card. You can customize it with your photo or draw a monster on it, add your monster name, cut it out, so you're ready for the first day of school!
to download the Monsters University Game Pin the MU badge on Archie the Scare Pig!
“Like” MONSTERS UNIVERSITY on Facebook: http://facebook.com/PixarMonstersUniversity
"Follow" Disney/Pixar on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DisneyPixar
Visit the website: http://www.Disney.com/MonstersU
Memory Making Gifts for Mom
Disclosure: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card
and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
Mother's Day is just the first of many celebrations that Mom wants to remember this year. There are banquets, dances, graduations, Father's Day, and then that long-awaited summer vacation. A smart phone camera just won't do when it comes to taking picture-perfect photos of all those fleeting spring memories. Best Buy is ready to help with the latest cameras, including DSLR cameras, action camcorders, and compact cameras with long zoom, low light and wi-fi. No Mother's Day Gift Guide would be complete without a Mom's Best Buy Wish List!
I absolutely LOVE my DSLR camera and my Digital Frame! Head to Best Buy knowing you’ll get the latest technology at the best price with their low price guarantee. If you prefer to shop online, visit bestbuy.com and take advantage of free shipping on all cameras. They even offer a trade-up program where they'll buy your old camera and give you a gift card to use towards your new one. Don't miss the coupon for an additional 25% off select digital photo frames so you can make sure Mom has the best display for her favorite photos and you can tell her you got a great deal (which will make her very proud of you). I love to shop in-store because the staff at Best Buy are always very helpful, but I also love the convenience of shopping at home on my computer. How will YOU make Mom's day this year?
#Disney PLANES Free Activity Sheet Downloads
PLANES will be arriving in theaters on August 9th
and to celebrate here are some FREE fun activity pages
to print out for your children.
Just click on the image of Dusty the Plane!

“Like” Disney’s PLANES on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DisneyPlanes
"Follow" Disney’s PLANES on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DisneyPictures
Visit the website: www.disney.com/Planes
The Light Grape - Wine Review
Disclosure: I received product at no charge in exchange for my honest review.
At just 80 calories in a 5oz glass, The Light Grape offers four absolutely delicious wines with 100% taste. These California wines include a Red Blend, a Rose, a White Blend, and a Chardonnay. At around just $12 a bottle, they fit right into our budget and taste like a million bucks!The Rose wine is a blend of cherries, strawberries and watermelon, providing the perfect drink for spring luncheons, quiet dinners on the patio, or a night of snuggling in front of a good movie. My husband and I absolutely loved it! The Red Blend wine is a bit bolder and richer, with blackberries, cherries and dark chocolate. It was fabulous with our steak and potatoes dinner, and again with our dessert.
The White Blend is the driest of the four wines, full of delectable citrus fruit flavors with just a hint of sweet honeysuckle. The Chardonnay boasts refreshingly sweet tropical fruit flavors and it was the perfect complement to grilled chicken and pasta. I definitely recommend The Light Grape wines and now I need to go buy some more!
For more information, check out The Light Grape on social media:
Tasty Tuesday Recipe Link Up
Welcome to Tasty Tuesday Recipe Link Up
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Join Us Each Week as We Add New Recipes to Our Weekly Tasty Tuesday Recipe Link Up.
Recipes shared need not be 5 star rated restaurant quality to impress. Link up your family's favorites and maybe find a new family favorite among the recipes listed below. I'm always on the lookout for something new to try and share with my family.
2013 Central Texas Air Show Photojournal
I won VIP Passes from KEYE-TV to the 2013 Central Texas Air Show.
My gift bag included two shirts, a tote bag, and VIP access.
These handy blue wristbands got us VIP parking and seating for the show.
Here's Johnny in his VIP shirt, peering up at a plane's wing.
Here I am in my VIP shirt with my handy tote bag, standing on the tarmac.
"Falcon Flight"
"Falcon Flight"
Iron Man 3 - Movie Review #Marvel #Disney
Disclosure: I viewed this movie at no charge in exchange for my honest review.
Few things a man happier to learn that "movie date" means watching Iron Man 3. Johnny and I settled into our theater seats and donned our stylish 3D glasses. From the beginning scene to the ending scene, this movie is fantastic. Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) is living in a beautiful house with an amazing lab when an enemy appears and destroys everything. Out for revenge, Stark begins a challenging journey to find the enemy. The movie is filled with excitement, anticipation, and action. You'll get to see people exploding, terrorist plots, incredible weapons, a kidnapping of Stark's girl Pepper Potts, and a rescue scene that tops all others. There are plenty of great scenes to get you laughing and there are even a few scenes where Tony Stark shows he has a tender side. One of my favorite scenes is the airplane disaster. I also really enjoyed his interactions with the young Harley. It's the perfect date movie for both guys and gals. Downey and Paltrow are fantastic together. You must go see it!Starring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Stephanie Szostak, James Badge Dale with Jon Favreau and Ben Kingsley, Marvel’s “Iron Man 3” is directed by Shane Black from a screenplay by Drew Pearce and Shane Black and is based on Marvel’s iconic Super Hero Iron Man.
Iron Man 3 is presented by Marvel Studios in association with Paramount Pictures and DMG Entertainment. Marvel Studios’ President Kevin Feige is producing and Jon Favreau, Louis D’Esposito, Charles Newirth, Victoria Alonso, Stephen Broussard, Alan Fine, Stan Lee and Dan Mintz are executive producers. The film released May 3, 2013, and is distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.
Mother's Day Gift Guide
Mother's Day is May 12 and
you don't want to forget to thank Mom
for all the things she does for you.
to see a fabulous collection
of Mother's Day gift ideas!
Shutterfly Photo Gifts for Mother's Day
Disclosure: I received product at no charge in exchange for my honest review.
Mother's Day celebrates mom and all she does for us. Shutterfly has a huge selection of photo gifts that you can customize to remind mom of all the precious moments from the past. From gorgeous photo books to beautiful gift boxes, these high-quality gifts will be keepsakes forever. Shutterfly is a leader in digital personalized photo gifts and I've always been completely satisfied with the items I've ordered. I used to spend hours scrapbooking my photos, but now I can just log onto Shutterfly, upload my pictures and create an entire photo book in less than an hour. It's saved me tons of time and money.
Make mom a large canvas print from a family portrait or create a darling iPhone case from a fun candid shot of mom and the kids. Don't forget Grandma this Mother's Day! Visit www.shutterfly.com and using your own photos, create the perfect gift for any occasion. Be sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter because they love to share special discounts and offers with their followers.
Towel Tight for Mother's Day
Disclosure: I received product at no charge in exchange for my honest review.
If you're looking for a Mother's Day gift idea for the mom who has everything, here is an ingenious little product that is both affordable and practical. The Towel Tight is a darling towel clip that mom can use at the beach, at the pool, at the spa, or at home. Strong enough to hold a big beach towel or a fluffy bath towel in place, this handy accessory is as cute as it is helpful.Just wrap yourself in your towel, squeeze open the pretty shell-shaped Towel Tight, and clip over both sides of the towel. The clamping mechanism on the inside is made of a strong coiled wire and the tiny teeth on the inside will grip the towel securely. Visit www.toweltight.com to order one for your mom!
Amazing Queso #Recipe
Amazing Queso
an original Lisa Weidknecht recipe
Open four cans of Campbell's Fiesta Nacho Cheese Soup and dump them in a crockpot.
Open, drain and rinse one can of black beans; add to crockpot.
Add one cup of hot water and one cup of milk to the crockpot.
Add browned sausage to crockpot. Stir.
Cook on high for one hour or until it begins to bubble.
Serve warm from crockpot on low.
Great with tortilla chips.
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