Disclosure: I received product at no charge in exchange for my honest review.
My two year old grandson absolutely LOVES the Snap-n-Learn Matching Dinos from Learning Resources! This handy storage bucket with a lid contains nine adorable dinosaurs with darling faces. Each dinosaur is a different color and easily snaps apart for mixing and matching.There are three each of three different dinosaurs, so he can group them by type. This helps him to discern similarities and differences, which is a great skill to develop, especially as he is learning to recognize lower-case letters like b and d. These dinos are also fun to line up and count!
Notice too the spots on the dinosaurs' backs feature different shapes like stars, rectangles, and circles. Children learn best through play, and incidental learning like discovering the different shapes is an exciting finding for them. Learning colors with dinos is fun, and so is mixing and matching them!
When children first begin playing with the Snap-n-Learn Matching Dinos, they will likely take them apart and put them back together exactly as they were. As they become more comfortable with the "rules" of how the dinosaurs work, they will begin to change up how they put them back together, thereby "breaking the rule" of the norm.
This is also an important skill for them to learn on their own. When children make this determination on their own, rather than being shown, they learn that it's okay to question how things work and to experiment with other possibilities. The play of taking them apart and putting them back together also strengthens their fine motor skills, and strengthens their little fingers for learning to hold a pencil.
Learning Resources is a great place to find toys that teach early learning skills to young children. I love toys that require no batteries and feature no screens. My grandson and I both recommend the Snap-n-Learn Matching Dinos!
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