Do you take a daily vitamin? Processed foods don't provide us with enough nutrition, so something like 150 million people in the US take vitamin/mineral supplements. I spent last weekend in Fort Worth, Texas, learning all about Mannatech products. The things I learned at the conference barely scratched the surface of all there is to know. One of the most important things I learned was that by taking synthetic supplements, I really wasn't doing my body any favors. Reading the ingredients list on your nutritional supplements will tell you a lot about what you are putting in your body.

Ninety-five percent of nutritional supplements sold in America are synthetic. Synthetic vitamins and minerals are man-made attempts to recreate what is already in plants. I didn't know this, but COAL TAR, PETROLEUM, and ROCKS are common ingredients in synthetic nutritional supplements. If you look at the photo below, you can see four items to the left and three items to the right. The four on the left are synthetic supplements the three on the right are made with REAL FOOD. All of these supplements were put into an oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. The three on the right browned, because that is what food does when you cook it. The four on the left are oozing coal tar and petroleum after cooking for 15 minutes. Isn't that absolutely DISGUSTING???

Spending the weekend learning about Mannatech taught me about several of their many products. I spoke to dozens of people, including Sam Caster the founder of the company, scientists, and people who have seen amazing improvements in their health and wellness from using Mannatech products. One of the most wonderful things I learned was that the company is dedicated to providing FREE nutritional supplements to children around the world through MannaRelief, founded by Sam Caster. One of the most exciting things I learned was that Mannatech is about to launch another breakthrough product and I was given the product to try!!! It's called NutriVerus and it's an all-encompassing nutritional supplement, sort of like the best of all the Mannatech products combined into one. It won't be available for purchase until May 1st.

By nature I am a skeptical person and even though I was fully convinced by the science behind Mannatech products I did not jump to sign up as an Associate, even though they have a great compensation program. I need to try products before I can recommend them. I'm generally a healthy person, so I'm not expecting huge miracles by using NutriVerus but I am definitely eager to see what it might do for me. NutriVerus comes in a powdered form and can be mixed with any food or drink, or even just sprinkled on top like a seasoning.

It's recommended to use two scoopfuls of NutriVerus daily to get all the basic foundational building blocks of nutrition into my body. Since I'm currently on the Nutrisystem weight loss program, I just add NutriVerus to two of my food products each day. I wanted to try a variety of foods to see if it changes the taste. I put a scoopful into my morning Nutrisystem protein shake, which is powdered protein, flavoring, two ice cubes and water. I shook it up and drank it. It made the consistency of this vanilla shake just a bit thicker but did not change the taste at all.

Later in the day, I mixed the NutriVerus into a glass of orange juice, stirred it up with a spoon and drank it. Again, it just barely changed the consistency, but not the taste. I did some surfing around their website and realized they actually have quite a few products, from gummy MannaBears for kids' nutrition (which my daycare kids and I loved) to athlete trial-tested and endorsed fitness supplements, and even skin care products!
The company even has patents on several products and their Ambrotose products are based on a scientific discovery about aloe vera that provides the body with glyconutrients to promote cellular structure, the loss of which can cause some serious health problems, and something most of us are not getting in the foods we eat.
One of my breakfast meals from Nutrisystem is a garden vegetable omelet. I dumped a scoop of NutriVerus on top and decided the best way to mix it was to cut the omelet and toss the food a bit, sort of like a salad. The powder didn't absorb into the food but did absorb some of the moisture from the eggs, cheese, and veggies.
I didn't notice any change in taste and even having the "seasoning" of the NutriVerus on top didn't detract from the meal at all. With everything that NutriVerus provides my body, it's likely the most nutritious omelet I've ever eaten. NutriVerus is also gluten-free!
Dinner was a Mushroom Risotta meal, topped with a scoop of NutriVerus, mixed in before I ate it. I'm now convinced that I can add it to just about anything, although I probably won't add it to my Nutrisystem ice cream bars. You could add it to your family's meals without them even knowing they are getting an awesome real food nutrition product!
You might be wondering if I'm seeing any differences since I've started including it in my daily meals. (I started it on Tuesday, so I've been using it for four days now.) It hasn't made me lose twenty pounds this week, nor has it cured my hypothyroid (not that it claims to), but I have to admit I actually feel like I have had more energy this week than normal. I promise I will keep you updated on my experience with Mannatech NutriVerus!
Disclosure: I received this product at no charge in exchange for my honest review.
You could WIN a month's supply of NutriVerus to try for yourself!
TWO lucky Planet Weidknecht winners will win a 5.3 oz container of NutriVerus from Mannatech! To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter form below. This giveaway will end on 5/1/2012 at midnight ET.