Disclosure: I received product at no charge in exchange for my honest review.
I've been doing product reviews for seven years and this is definitely one of my most favorite gift items ever! Canvastry.com has created a keepsake that is beautiful, meaningful, practical, and full of personality. They turn your favorite family recipe into an artistic kitchen towel that will complement any decor.Even better, they will do it in your handwriting! This is such a fabulous idea! You could have your mom write out the recipe of whatever meal, appetizer, or dessert that is her specialty (or you could do it in your handwriting) and send it to Canvastry.com, and you'll get back a pretty kitchen towel that will forever capture it.
I decided upon Mom's 7-Layer Cookies, because it's a family-favorite recipe that she passed down to me, and I've made them every Christmas for my own kids. After writing out the recipe in my handwriting, I scanned it and uploaded it to Canvastry.com. There is even an option to add a fancy title to the towel, which I did.
Canvastry.com sent me my proof by email so I could confirm my recipe towel design, and in just a couple of days, my pretty recipe towel arrived right at my door. It is absolutely perfect! I chose the Natural Recipe Tea Towel which is slightly off-white, but it also comes in White, or you can choose White with Blue Stripes or White with Red Stripes.
The recipe tea towel is amazing! It's HUGE when it's all unfolded, but arrives perfectly folded with the recipe in the right spot for hanging on a shelf, on a towel bar, or placed on a tray. This recipe towel is so meaningful to me that I actually teared up thinking about my mom, and I hope someday my kids will do the same when they come across this towel.
We are nearly done with our 1888 farmhouse kitchen renovation, so you get a sneak peek at a few pictures of the kitchen before the big reveal. This Cavanstry.com Recipe Towel is the perfect farmhouse touch! I'm having trouble deciding exactly where I'm going to have it hang. I could hang it on the towel bar I made or I could hang it over the edge of the reclaimed wood shelves that I designed. What do you think?
Canvastry.com doesn't just create recipe towels! You can use your child's artwork or even your own design to create a lasting memory that looks beautiful in your kitchen. These kitchen towels can be used like any other kitchen towel, tossed in washer and dryer, and even ironed. What will you put on your new kitchen towel?
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