
Hawaiian Falls Waterparks PhotoJournal #Travel #Texas #Pflugerville

Hawaiian Falls Waterpark is a Christian-based company and they aren't afraid to show it. Each time a new HF is close to opening, there is a Prayer Walk where the community is invited to come and pray over the new location. Chalk is handed out and community members are encouraged to write a blessing on the concrete pool floors and walls.
On May 8, 2014, the Pflugerville, Texas, location held its Prayer Walk, even while under ominous cloudy skies and a severe weather warning. As we pulled up, I was pleasantly surprised to see the hundreds of Pflugerville-area residents who turned out to participate.
The waterpark is scheduled to open this spring and though only the bare bones of the slides and a mess of wood framing currently exist, it was obvious that God was present among His people. As I walked around taking photos of some of the hundreds of chalk blessings, I discovered that it was a challenge to photograph through tears of spiritual happiness. I was most moved by the children who were writing Bible verses that were on their hearts.
I spoke briefly with the HF owner and several of the HF representatives, and I was touched by their expression of faith through this family-oriented company. I was told that many baptisms are held in Hawaiian Falls rivers across Texas. My husband Johnny and my son Ryan attended with me, writing their own blessings on the pool floor and we prayed together for the many lives that would be blessed there.
I thank God for holding off the rain for this wonderful experience. As we arrived back home, just northeast of the construction site, the heavy clouds in the skies let loose and a torrent of rain poured down for at least an hour. I hope that my photos below will bless you!

Visit www.hfalls.com for park information and to purchase season tickets.
Daily tickets will be available when Hawaiian Falls Pflugerville opens.
Hawaiian Falls Waterparks are located across Texas.


  1. Truly an inspirational event. If this opening Prayer Walk was an early indication of the spiritual impact that Hawaiian Falls will have on our community, we can count ourselves blessed.

  2. Loved it! Thanks for the blessing!

  3. Was that you Lisa writing my favorite verse Hebrew 11:1? <3 (Mom)

  4. This IS one of the best reviews I have read!!! I wish I would have know about this town when I was visiting Texas!! How refreshing to see & hear that there are still people not ashamed to give wonderful shout-outs to our Heavenly Father!! HE never forgets about us!! I love the Prayer Walk idea also. It warms my heart to hear that children are writing scriptures from memory & showing love for God!! I pray more families hearts open up to the Lord & there will be more towns like this!! GOD BLESS THIS TOWN!!

    1. Thank you Sue! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave your comment. It was a wonderful day and I've been back to the park several times; it's been great fun!


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